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Bronze Award - Owner Dog Training

  • 55 Steps
Get a certificate by completing the program.


The Bronze Award is an exciting challenge for the children, handlers, and owners and their Dog Mentor's school! By completing the following commands with your dog, you’ll both build important skills and strengthen your bond. Once all tasks are successfully completed, you will be awarded a Bronze Certificate to celebrate your achievement. There is also space to upload evidence (such as photos or videos) of each command to showcase your progress along the way. Command Criteria: - *Lie Down or Settle Command* -*Crawl, Roll, or Rollover Command* - *Stay or Wait Command* - *Leave Command* - *Walk Close/Heel on a Lead Command* - *High Five or Paw Command* Upload Evidence: You have the option to upload pictures or videos of your dog completing each task if you'd like to share your progress with us! Once all these commands have been successfully completed, you’ll receive your Bronze Certificate to recognise your fantastic achievement! Keep up the good work!🧡

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app




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