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Therapeutic Intervention in Schools

Therapeutic intervention in schools include counselling, support groups, art therapy, mindfulness programmes, and the incorporation of specialised professionals such as counsellors, psychologists, and even specially-trained therapy animals like dogs. This is where the Dog Mentor comes in. With a background in teaching and extensive experience as a dog trainer and study in neuro-linguistic programming, Jenny developed a specialised programme to help train dogs to be a positive therapeutic intervention in schools. Since 2013, the Dog Mentor programme has helped hundreds of schools in the UK and Europe experience the positive and life-changing impact of dogs, and nurture care and empathy from children.

"I have to say Jenny, this was the best training I’ve had in absolute ages. I knew Bella would have benefits for our school, but I didn’t realise how much a positive impact she would bring. We absolutely love her. Diolch yn fawr!"


Abercanaid Community School, Merthyr Tydfil.



The primary goal of therapeutic intervention in schools is to create a nurturing and inclusive environment that fosters emotional resilience, enhances academic success, and equips students with the tools to manage stress, anxiety, and other challenges effectively.

The programme suits all needs for dogs, staff, children and parents. It’s essential for dogs to equally benefit from the relationship and actively enjoy their time spent with children and adults. With the help of The Dog Mentor Programme, a school dog can nurture a comfortable and happy dynamic, enabling dogs to create a calming, positive influence on children. 

A specially-trained school dog can play a pivotal role as a therapeutic intervention within educational settings.

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